Our Members' Blogs

Monday, August 26, 2013

God, come to my assistance

By Terry

File:15th-century painters - Folio of a Breviary - WGA15805.jpg
Folio of a Breviary, 15th Century (photo credit: Wikimedia Commons).

God, come to my assistance.
Lord, make haste to help me.

These words are prayed at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Hours.  Simple.  Direct.  Practical.  I love this prayer.

Devotionals have their place.  The Rosary is beautiful and necessary.

But sometimes, all we need is something easy to remember.  You know the times I mean – the moments in life when you feel overwhelmed, when you’re struggling with family, finances, illness, the list goes on and everyone’s list is different.

For the past four years, I have participated in a 200 km walking pilgrimage to a shrine dedicated to the Canadian Martyrs.  It takes seven days to get to our destination.  The days are long and hot, the roads go on for what seems like forever.  Some of us jokingly utter that short, little prayer but we aren’t joking, not really.  Walking that distance is hard work; we get exhausted, blisters form, ankles get twisted, people faint in the heat of the day.  We can’t make it without an abundance of grace and divine intervention.

Continue reading at Terry's blog 8 Kids And A Business.

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