Our Members' Blogs

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Real love and the power of words

By Elizabeth Tichvon

Bartolomeo Montagna - Saint Paul - Google Art Project.jpg
St. Paul by Montagna (photo credit: Wikipedia).

Let's encourage each other out of love and out of reverence for Christ. He reads our hearts and those of the ones we hurt, and there's nothing flowery about a broken heart.  Jesus doesn't care how educated, successful or physically attractive we are.  Not one of us is better than another, despite how we choose to perceive this world, which is really upside down and inside out.  So, strive to be nice.  Strive to be nicer.  Strive to be the nicest.  Always.  If not out of love, for Love.  e.

"My son, fix your heart steadfastly in God, and do not fear the judgments of men, where your own conscience witnesses that you are innocent.  It is very good and blessed sometimes to suffer such sayings, and it will not be irksome to a humble heart which trusts more in God than in itself.  People often speak much, yet little faith is to be put in their sayings.  It is not possible to please all men, for, though St. Paul labored as much as he might to please all people in God and did for all men all he could for their salvation, he nevertheless could not prevent himself from being judged by others and despised by them.  And so he committed all to God, who knows all things, and armed himself with patience and humility against all things that could be untruly spoken against him.  Nevertheless, he sometimes answered to the charges, lest, by his silence, hurt or hindrance might have risen for others."

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