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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Praying for acceptance

By Mallory Hoffman

File:Caravaggio - The Incredulity of Saint Thomas.jpg
The Incredulity of St. Thomas by Caravaggio
(Wikimedia Commons)

I recently read an article about a young couple whose  young son had been diagnosed with a life threatening, degenerative disease.  As his parents prayed for his healing, a priest advised them not to pray for healing.  He suggested that they pray for acceptance first.  He counseled the young couple that if healing was God’s Will for their son, then the healing would happen.  However, by praying for acceptance, they would find peace. 

Acceptance leads to peace.  Peace leads to surrender.  Surrender leads to Trust.  Trust leads to being immersed in God’s Holy Will which is Love.

Continue reading at Mallory's blog His UnEnding Love.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mallory! This is what I needed to read today. I has answered a most important question for me :-)


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