Our Members' Blogs

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

You can be holy today

by Connie Rossini

English: Saint Therese of Lisieux church, Disc...

There seems to be a dilemma in the spiritual life. We want to do great things for God, but we are caught up in the little tasks of everyday life. We think holiness must wait until some future time: when the kids are grown up, when the job is less demanding, when we retire, when we can go on retreat. But if, as Vatican II taught, holiness is meant for everyone, shouldn’t it be accessible in every circumstance? How can we become holy now?

Although some saints have been martyrs, missionaries, or miracle workers, others have been parents, kings and queens, businessmen, and even children. How did they become great? Through “abandonment to divine providence” as Fr. Jeanne-Pierre de Caussade called it.

Don’t let the big words confuse you. This is simply the “Little Way” of St. Therese of Lisieux, who said that even when she picked an object off the floor, she did it out of love for God. Likewise, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta said, “We must do little things with great love.” This practice has also been called “the sacrament of the present moment.”

Continue reading about the Little Way at http://contemplativehomescool.wordpress.com.


  1. The smallest things we do in life could be our footsteps towards holiness. Looking after the children, preparing a meal for our love ones, doing something nice without expecting recognition or reward - that's holiness.

    God bless.

  2. Thanks for visiting and commenting, Victor. Your own blog looks pretty interesting. I'm playing with the idea of a blog to bring together various Catholic spirituality writers on the internet. I just started a list of them at Contemplative Homeschool. I'm trying not to jump into this too quickly and get over my head. Stay tuned... and God bless you too.

  3. Hi,

    My blog is a mixture of Christian/Catholic writings, stories about a fictional priest (Fr Ignatius) a character from my first book, and humour. I find that humour attracts new readers who, hopefully, get interested in learning more about God.

    If you think I can contribute to your new Blog idea, I'd be happy to do so.

    God bless.

  4. Thanks, Victor. Your blog is quite entertaining. I'd class it more as as apologetics/catechetics than spirituality. I'm trying to promote blogs that primarily seek to lead people closer to Christ, rather than teach them doctrine or history, etc. Not that I don't love the latter two! I just see a lack of promotion of the spiritual life among Catholic blogs, and I think it's about time we did more of it! Specifically, I'm looking for lots of posts on prayer, virtue, the saints, and the like. God bless your work.


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