Our Members' Blogs

Monday, May 6, 2013

One plus God

by Mary N.

File:Schedoni Carità.jpg
Charity  by Bartolomeo Schedoni (Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons).

We look around the world today and think how crazy the world seems. It can be overwhelming to  realize what we are up against these days:

 "What's the point? What difference can just one person make anyway?"

Have you ever heard these words spoken to you? Or spoken them yourself perhaps?

I have heard them too many times to count over the years and I've even heard them come out of my own mouth now and then.

The problem with this type of mindset is that it sets us up to lose before we've even begun. Imagine if the saints thought like this? All we need to do is look at what Mother Teresa did during the span of her lifetime and we can see that she did not allow herself to fall prey to this kind of thinking. One person can make a huge difference if God is in the equation. Think of what each of these people accomplished during their lifetimes:

Moses + God = the liberation of an enslaved people

Mother Mary + God = the salvation of the entire human race

 Peter + God = the birth of the Church

We cannot say, "Yeah, but they were saints!" Moses was not a saint - he killed a man. St. Peter  was simply a fisherman - a fisherman who denied Christ three times.

I love this example:  Therese + God = Doctor of the Church... with millions following her "little way" and she accomplished all this without ever leaving the convent or its grounds. (How's that for amazing?)

So never ask yourself what you can do.

Ask yourself what you + God can do.

    Originally posted at Mary N.'s wonderful blog The Beautiful Gate. Please visit her blog for more inspiration.


  1. Love it! You are so right! 1 Sinner + God = a Saint! There is hope for us if we just keep letting God "add" to our life.

  2. This is wonderful!! I'm "carrying the last sentence" away with me today ... what can GOD AND I do?

  3. Mary, so simple yet true! Thanks so much for the reminder!


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