Our Members' Blogs

Monday, August 19, 2013

Are you a jackass for Christ?

By Deacon Paul Rooney

File:Gdańsk Entry into Jerusalem.jpg
Entry into Jerusalem (artist unknown; photo credit: Wikimedia Commons).

Today I want to share some thoughts with you about Martha and Mary, featured in our Gospel recently, and one aspect of the story that relates to our own personal spiritual journey.

But before I get there, I want to alert you to the fact that I will be using a dictionary word that might sound bad, one that sometimes has bad connotations (depending entirely on how you use it).  However, I assure you that I will be using it only in a good sense, and I will be quoting a pope who also uses it in this same good way.

First, I have a question for you.
Have you ever reflected on the truth that "discipleship" really translates into the need for you and me to become "a disciple for others"?  Yes, we are disciples of Christ.  But He devoted His life to others. That is the same mission we have as baptized Catholic disciples of Christ.

But before we can do that, we have to become "intentional disciples" — meaning followers of Jesus who have a living, personal relationship with Jesus, and who order their lives based on that decision to follow him.

So how do we go about acquiring such a personal relationship? The process is simple. We have to be formed and fed by Christ, and only then sent to carry on the mission of Jesus.

It is this exact sequence of things that matters: formed, fed, and then sent. Sure, we can do all kinds of good things in terms of help for the poor. But if it does not flow from our Christ-center, then it is nothing more than secular humanism, just good deeds that have no reference to our faith life, and may even deny or reject the need for Christian faith and our duty to respond to the needs of others.

Continue reading Deacon Paul's post at  Journey to Wisdom.

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