Our Members' Blogs

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Salty kind of love

By Beryl Baterina
A Helping Hand by Eugene von Blaas
(Wikimedia Commons).
"Keep salt in yourselves and you will have peace with one another."
When I was in First Grade, I read a story entitled "Love Like Salt."  It is a story of a princess who told her father that she loves him like sallt.  Of course the King became angry because he could not believe that her daughter would compare her love to salt.  That princess went away and later on came back home unknowingly to her father.  She told the servants to prepare food without salt and serve it to the King.  When the King ate, he was furious with the taste of the food.  He asked who is responsible for the food preparation.  The pincess appeared and told him, "I told the servant to serve the food as that.  I am a daughter who loves her father like salt."  With that the King realized how much his daughter trully loves him.
Salt is a very useful condiment for food.  It gives taste and it preserves.  And what if it lose its taste?  It's purpose will not work after all.  How can the taste be restored?
Continue reading at Beryl Baterina.

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