![The Child VIrgin Asleep; Francisco de Zurbarán [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Francisco_de_Zurbar%C3%A1n_-_The_Child_Virgin_Asleep_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg)
I am re-posting a reflection I wrote a couple years ago, May the Mother of God bless us all today with her motherly love and guidance into the heart of her Son Jesus!
Today is the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary, whose
immaculate conception was celebrated 9 months ago, was born on this
September day. And as is the way of the Lord, this monumental day, this
wondrous birth went quietly by in time, and still goes quietly by in
our lives, we could easily miss it. In fact, we often do miss it. Yet,
this feast day invites us to ponder the woman whose life modeled most
fully how to allow the word of the Lord to be conceived in us and born
through us, in our own words and deeds. Insignificance and lowliness
are not barriers to these wonders, they are requirements.
Which is good, because I do not have much to offer. I am a Catholic who fails a lot in living my faith. I am a wife who fails a lot at being a wife. I am a mother, who fails a lot with her children (I have two crying, fighting and whining in my presence right now - thankfully they are only mildly annoying me, so I am ignoring them...). And, in a culture that is pragmatic, cliquey and materialistic, I am a stay-at-home mother of 8 who writes for an insignificant blog because I perceived a call to do it from Him, no money in it, no huge following, no "career" to validate me - nothing. I am nothing. And oh, how I have caused myself and others around me much pain in fighting that truth for most of my life.
Continue reading at Journey to Wisdom.
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