Our Members' Blogs

Friday, November 15, 2013

Lectio to go

By Nancy Shuman


If I am to live "immersed in lectio" (i.e. in scripture), I must learn to take it with me wherever I go.  This is obviously a process, an "art" that cannot be mastered overnight.   

Years ago, I learned a way of carrying at least a touch of lectio with me... a way to cart chunks of the Bible around as I work and drive and (especially) face into the storms of life.  In recent weeks, I've been re-learning the value of this "portable lectio."  It does not replace time apart with God, for I need time with my Bible open and with my mind as concentrated as possible.  But I am greedy enough to want scripture with me, wherever I go.  I want God's word to shape me.  To mold my attitudes, soothe my worries and calm my fears.  I want scripture to form my thinking.  I want to carry it with me as much as possible.  So, in addition to taking with me parts of scripture that jumped out at me "this morning," I also memorize.  

Someone asked me, years ago, why anyone would bother memorizing verses of scripture when Bibles were so readily available?  Because, I answered, there may come a time when I might not have ready access to one.  I wasn't necessarily referring to anything apocalyptic, but to any times when I might want to "read" the Bible and wouldn't have one right in my hand.  Like once when I spent an hour in an MRI "tube" with nothing to think about but the blangs and clangs swirling around my head.  I was thankful, then, to have memorized a few chapters of scripture.  I practiced lectio right there, holding a mental, silent conversation with God as I lay in my metal enclosure....

Read the rest at Nancy's blog The Cloistered Heart.


  1. Hi Nancy,

    I loved this. I just finished Too Deep for Words: Rediscovering Lectio Divina by Thelma Hall and loved it. Your book is next on my list (with my friend Tiffany in tow to share reflections).

    I didn't know that my very cathartic post today was, in fact, an exercise of Lectio Divina in a sense. These words, over time have become written on my heart, so that I don't sin against Him - by getting angry, or resentful, but always fall safely on His Word like the softest pillow.

    Thanks again for your words today. They spoke multitudes to me.
    God bless you,

    1. Thank you, Cristina. I love the thought of falling safely on His Word like on the softest pillow... oh, what a blessed reality!!

  2. Oh yes! Those words of Scripture have a way of whispering to your heart just when you need to hear them! Bless you for sharing, and also for encouraging us to keep our minds filled with His word!

    1. Heidi, thank you. What a gift Our Lord has given us in Scripture!

  3. I love to do this too, Nancy! And like you, John was one of the first I memorized!

    1. I haven't memorized anything in awhile, Mary. This is reminding me to get back to it!

  4. How beautiful and comforting whenever, especially during a frightening trial, our Blessed Lord remains in our consciousness. He never abandons us.

  5. I returned late to this comments screen :), but want to thank you very much!


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