Our Members' Blogs

Friday, November 8, 2013

Marriage, abortion, the Holy Spirit, and the Church

By Michael Incorvia

File:1550 van Groningen Die Hochzeit zu Kana anagoria.JPG
The Weeding at Cana by Van Groningen (Wikimedia Commons).

The Bible begins with a wedding and ends with a wedding reception.  Genesis, the first book of the Bible opens with a marriage, the wedding of Adam and Eve and God’s command to the couple to be fruitful and multiply.  The Bible concludes with the Book of Revelation and the wedding feast of the Lamb of God to His bride, the Church.   The Bible is rife with marriage imagery and the fruit it bares, love and life.

Out of love, God created man and woman.  The depth of God’s love for His people and Church is expressed in terms of the love shared between a husband and wife.  As a husband and wife surrender themselves to one another, God invites us to surrender ourselves to Him in love.  Similarly, our unfaithfulness to God is expressed in terms of spousal infidelity.

Continue reading at Michael's blog To Love and Truth.

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