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Friday, July 19, 2013

The prompt-me prayer

by Monica McConkey

File:Ebenezer Newman Downard Morning prayer 1860-61.jpg
Morning Prayer by Ebenezer Newman Downard (photo in public domain)

I have written about Br. Lawrence's Practice of the Presence of God before. I think it's a simple yet profound way to deepen our relationship with Jesus, do small things with great love like St. Therese and to grow in virtue while we live out our Faith more consciously. I know I'd like to carry out my vocation as Mom... graciously, with more patience and love, but I inevitably become unraveled, and caught up in my often self-inflicted pressures of family life.

The tasks set out for me in my vocation as a Mom, if carried out with love, are supposed to catapult me to holiness!  This is the Mom's School of Holiness. I'm not sure where I have read this, but my friend Fr. Roger tells me this all the time.

I get flustered by the needs and demands of my family and the general chaos can be overwhelming.  I'd like to carry out all my tasks prayerfully...with grace and patience and gentleness, but I know...and I know my kids would agree.... I just can't pull that off.  Even if I could get it all done.... grace and patience and gentleness slip away pretty fast!

Cooking, cleaning, training, managing, driving, shopping and never-ending laundry can be tedious, thankless and frustrating.

I've had a problem with practicing the Presence of God, ever since I read my doggy-eared paperback discovered at a used book store...almost 20 years ago. And back then, I wasn't even a Mom yet!

I usually forget the most important part of practicing the Presence of God: prayer. I do pray...but Brother Lawrence prayed continuously while he went about his simple duties. He was in constant conversation with God! I know I need to ask for help from my husband AND my kids before I enter the realm of I'll-just-resentfully-do-it-myself...but the MOST important help I need to request...is from Jesus and His Mother Mary. Mary knows how to get it all done...connected constantly to her Son.

Finish reading at Monica's blog  I blog Jesus.


  1. Monica, this is such good reminder! I need to pray to remember to pray more often, because absent-mindedness is one of my biggest failings.

  2. My husband has read this book and I am thinking I need to put it in my stack of books to read when everyone has gone to bed but me. Thanks for reminding me to pray always.


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